艺术 and 设计 投资需求

纽黑文艺术大学 & 设计 programs are among only 250 institutions that are accredited by the National Association for Schools of 艺术 & 设计. We offer robust classes and innovative facilities while also providing you with a traditional arts foundation.

艺术 & 设计程序

Portfolios are required for all of the following programs:

B.A. 艺术 & 创新科技

B.F.A. 平面及数码设计

B.F.A. 室内设计

B.F.A. 室内设计, Pre-Architecture Concentration


All students who submit portfolios and apply to one of the 网赌上分平台’s 艺术 & 设计 programs above may be eligible for a portfolio scholarship ranging from $1,000 - $4,000. This scholarship is awarded to eligible students in addition to any other merit-based award they have already received or will receive in the future provided they remain enrolled as a full-time student and remain in good academic standing.


Submitted portfolios should strive to demonstrate your interests, talents, and variety in your work. Focus on including the strongest examples of your work. A minimum of five (5) and a maximum of fifteen (15) pieces should be submitted for review. This portfolio will be reviewed in conjunction with your application for admission to the 网赌上分平台.


When You Submit Your Common Application

  • 在通用申请中, applicants will use the online file management system, SlideRoom, 提交作品集供审查. 从SlideRoom, 你可以上传图片, 数码及多媒体档案, 嵌入式媒体, 还有更多——都在一个地方.
  • By submitting your portfolio this way, SlideRoom is accessed from within the Common Application and submitted together with your admission application. used to apply to the 网赌上分平台.

Students may also submit a portfolio at 纽黑文.slideroom.com


Click here for more information on the 网赌上分平台 application process.

招生计划 的最后期限 绑定/不具约束力
早期的决定 12月1日 绑定
早期行动I 12月15日 不具约束力
提早行动II 2月15日 不具约束力
常规的决定* 滚动 不具约束力

*All applications received after 2月15日. 优先截止日期:2月1日

Portfolio Submission 的最后期限 – February 1


As an alternative to submitting a portfolio for the programs that require a portfolio for admission, students may submit a brief written statement about their interest in 艺术 and 设计. This written statement should highlight personal career goals and your passion in the field of 艺术 and 设计. Please keep in mind that students who submit a written statement instead of a portfolio may not be eligible for a portfolio scholarship.


网赌上分平台’s SlideRoom Portal